zondag 28 november 2010

Against own nature

The mind hit the hammer hard. I took a choice. But now, every fiber of me screams. Refuses. Fights.

I've dealt with dissappointment and rejection at multiple occassions. But this..
I'm fighting against all odds and my own nature.

Ration stands alone. And this love,
This love acts selfishly, doesn't care. Its sole purpose is to survive.

I push it back, I push it back down.
For I'll never get it outside. For now I push it back down.

Back in my eye.

zondag 21 november 2010


Ow Disaster,
I knew I was long overdue.

zondag 14 november 2010

Time to move on

Every step I take forward is hard. But in some way, I endure it.

I regret nothing.
Everything I did was worth it, despite all the pain and suffering.
She was worth it. All of it.

It's time to cut my losses.

It's a long road to ruin. So reunion will have to wait until spring conquers winter. Maybe earlier.
But miracles don't happen here.


vrijdag 12 november 2010


Take hard knocks, come back for more.


woensdag 10 november 2010

Quote of the day

We won't see the stars if the sun is in our eyes.

Because it's just another reason why a fool like you,
would listen to a fool like me.

I'll do what all the idiots around you do just to let you show,
if you follow that way you'll never be free.

'Cuz no one is alone, no one is alone.

dinsdag 9 november 2010

Quote of the day

I'm pushing an elephant up the stairs,
I'm tossing punchlines that were never there.

Over my shoulder a piano falls,
crashed into the ground.

I'm breaking through, I've been exposed.
I'm keeping flowers in full bloom.

I am looking for answers from The Great Beyond.

zondag 7 november 2010


Only time will do,
Meet me when spring conquers winter. Meet me at the crossroads.

Wisdom, Justice and Love

Cannot be solved with Wisdom, Justice and Love.

zaterdag 6 november 2010

You can't be too careful anymore

I'm stuck in a statue-made, along with the sinking feeling.

Chunks of time consumed by walking on tiptoes
to reach out and greeted by salt to go with the scars.

Point man. You really missed the point there, again.

vrijdag 5 november 2010

Paper house

When my mind crosses the thought, it's like an epiphany.

I'm back where it all began, 1st person in that room again.
My skins crawls en sizzles. There's a bombfight raging in the pit of my guts.

In one split second I get caught off guard. Someone smashes a sledgehammer in my house of cards & glass. My feet thrust back into the ground and my eyelids re-energize.

Exit the paper house.

donderdag 4 november 2010


The need for hope is driven by passion,
and then destroyed in all colours and fashion.

woensdag 3 november 2010

And so ends the chapter

It happened when winter conquered autumn, when everything turned to darkness.
You can put it quite simple actually: the fairytale gone bad.

But unfortunately it's never that simple.

Try to imagine how baffled I was, when I didn't notice a fragment of what I was feeling on the other side. Like trying to find a needle in a haystack, only to stumble into the fact that it's nowhere to be found. In the meanwhile I was sitting there, deciding what I should look at: wall or floor. With that all too familiar silence pounding on your ears; Nill and void instead of voices.

It went deep that one, real deep. Gasping for air while lungs are at full capacity. My heart though, was in a warzone , just looking for a way out. Light at the end of the tunnel? 'Sorry, out of commission.'

Don't get the wrong idea, I won't treat this lightly. It's time to stand fast while everything comes crashing down. Hard, for high is the way but my eyes are upon the ground.

Let's speak without riddles or creative use of word: I cannot let her eat of the same hand anymore. For boy got cold, 'cause boy got greedy. So shine on,, shine on benevolent sun.

And so ends this bloody chapter